
ブランド: Amazon

新しくなったKindle Paperwhite。前モデルに比べ、20%早いページ送りで、大きくなった6.8インチのディスプレイ 読書のための専用端末。フラットで300ppiの高解像度ディスプレイで、小さな文字もくっきりキレイ。大きく、紙のような読み心地のディスプレイで、反射をおさえているから目に優しい USB-Cケーブルを使った一度のフル充電で、最大で10週間利用可能 数千冊(一般的な書籍の場合)がこの一台に 新たに色調調節ライトを搭載。ホワイトからアンバーに色の暖かさを調節可能で、あなた好みの読み心地を 防水機能搭載でお風呂でもプールでも読書を プライム会員なら、追加料金なしで対象のタイトルが読み放題(Prime Reading – 同時に10冊まで) Kindleのロック画面に、今読んでいる本の表紙を表示できます




Initial impression:

In the beginning, I had a problem with my device. After setting up and loading my books, some areas on the screen on the page looks dark grey while some look perfect black. My older Kindle didn’t have this problem so I contacted customer service to consult. Although they couldn’t help me initially I found the solution by accident which is to reset the device and load an image of a book cover that has black image. I assume this is what helps trigger the ink underneath to be activated equally across the screen.

Day 2 and 3 impression:
I was very impressed with how much faster the processor on the New Kindle in practice when I turn pages and navigate the user interface when I needed to change some settings in the device. If you think about it, turning pages is something we do every few seconds while using the kindle. So this update is quite noticeable.

Larger screen display and smaller bezel was the right decision. Making it warm is even better. The light surrounding the screen is distributed well and makes text looks very sharp and pleasing to read. With my older Kindle I had to set the font size to small to read the book without turning the page so much, but with the new I can enjoy reading with normal font size (Size 4) and fully stay immersed in reading with eye strain.

So that was the 2 main reasons why I decided to upgrade. USB C charging was a nice bonus, I finally can throw away my Micro USB cable that only existed for my Kindle. Charging time was faster.


1. POWER BUTTON LOCATION. Please move the power button away from where our hands are holding the device. Putting it right next to the charging on the bottom area means my finger is constantly touching in and conscious about it. My suggestion would be to put it right to the top of the screen or behind the device.

2. Kindle LOGO location. It’s 2022, we already know this is a Kindle device and we don’t need to constantly see the logo on the front side of the screen. It’s quite distracting on bright day light. This may seem like nitpicking although this device was intentionally designed to remove any distraction from reading and therefore making the user to be hyper focused on reading, everything that looks “wrong” on the screen or the device is very noticeable. Please move the kindle logo away from the front frame to the backside. Even better: just completely remove it.

Swipe gesture is good. But, the areas where we can use swipe gestures are not consistent. Top and bottom swipe is working but inside the settings it doesn’t work.

As book have different level density of information, changing the font size is something I do frequently to make sure the reading experience is good. In the current user interface, I have to tap the top screen to change the font. I frequently swipe down from the top screen to change the brightness and I always look for the font change setting and couldn’t find it. Then I realize I have tap the top screen area to find it. Why can’t they be together from the top swipe menu?

The weight of the device is noticeably heavier but not annoying. I recommend that the device should be much lighter in the next iteration and not any bigger or heavier. Lighter device would be easier on my wrist bone.

Overall, I still very much enjoying my new Kindle and I hope someone finds this review useful. Thank you.



おかげでiPhoneを本を読む間手放せるし、メールやらなんやらかんやら気にしなくて済むし、YouTubeも見る事が無くなり、バッテリーの消耗も減りました^ – ^
ただ、1週間ほどで、急に動かなくなりました…。カスタマーセンターに連絡して、すぐに新しいタブレットを送っていただきました^ – ^無償で1年間の保証もついてましたので、助かりました。
本って読み始めると、次から次へ…となりますので、次は何を読もうかなぁ〜と思ってます^ – ^
ちなみにKindle Unlimitedに加入(購入時はunlimited付きがなかった)して、読み放題を楽しみ、読み終わって、手元に置いておきたいと思ったら購入するつもりです!
お高い商品ですが、買って損はないと思いますし、漫画とかだったら16G以上のデバイスを検討されてはいかがでしょう^ – ^paper Whiteなら1000円違いぐらいだったと思います。

I was slow to get an upgrade from my keyboard kindle, but I’m so glad I did now. The paperwhite is so much lighter in feel, and the backlight is such a bonus for reading in the dark or even in badly lit areas. (I’ve been doing night reading on my kindle app before on the phone, but didn’t like it as much) I like how reading progress whispersyncs between my kindle app and the paperwhite. I also like being able to download directly on my paperwhite using Kindle Unlimited. Also since I connected it to my account in the US, the contents are US based. That was one of the things I was worried about, that perhaps I wouldn’t be able to access my US Kindle content due to the purchase being in Japan. The set up was easy as well using the Kindle app on my phone since I already used the app. Since this version is water proof, I’m not even worried about taking it into the bath with me.


読書が日常になります。Amazonの回し者ではないですが、強くおすすめします。 裏面のよごれはどうやって落とせばいいのか、誰かおしえてください。
